What’s the Big Deal about Vit B6 and Vit B12?

In this webinar, you will learn:

  • Role of Vit B 6 and Vit B 12 in physiology
  • Role of vitamins in methylation
  • activated forms of vitamins
  • differentiation between types of Vit B12


Why is this important?

Methylation is the transfer of a chemical group, called a ‘methyl group’ (a carbon atom linked to three hydrogens), from one molecule to another. Methyl groups act like a key to turn on and off up to 200 plus biochemical reactions in the body.

Optimal Methylation requires adequate amounts of various nutritional ‘methyl donors’, which facilitate the Methylation process. Individuals who have issues with Methylation, may require pre-methylated forms (methyl, or more active forms) of some of these vitamins to utilise due to their Methylation issues.

Knowing the four different types of B-12 will allow you to choose the right one. Learn how to differentiate between the types of Vit B12 and what suits best for the action required.

Learning outcomes

In this webinar, you will learn:

  • Role of Vit B 6 and Vit B 12 in physiology
  • Role of vitamins in methylation
  • activated forms of vitamins
  • differentiation between types of Vit B12


Video Duration: 25:04

This offering provides CPD continuing professional development credits for