Guest Speaking

Vanita Dahia has been a speaker, presenter and mentor at hundreds of industry events nationally and internationally.

She has spoken and taught thousands of delegates world-wide in English and in Japanese (with translators) with great reviews. With her years of expertise and knowledge in integrative medicine, compounding pharmacy, naturopathy, nutrition and ayurvedic medicine, she is well placed and regularly invited as a key note speaker, workshop coordinator and mentor.

Vanita specializes in speaking about

  • Integrative Medicine
  • Compounding Pharmacy
  • Functional Pathology
  • Ayurvedic Medicine
  • Natural and Herbal Medicine
  • Health topics for health practitioners

She delivers integrative medicine in a practical and clinically relevant manner allowing you to implement her strategies right away. She is also detailed in explaining biochemistry, physiology and anatomy of an organ system so you get an overview or an in-depth study of a topic.

Learning Centre

Would you like Vanita to speak at your event?

Vanita speaks to community groups, professional practitioner groups and industry events.

She provides clinical practical and evidence based up to date health information with passion and ease of delivery.

Complete form below with speaking invitation.