5 Reasons Why Integrative Medicine Works

5 Reasons Why Integrative Medicine Works

5 Reasons Why Integrative Medicine Works

5 Reasons Why Integrative Medicine Worksby Vanita Dahia

You’re tired, stressed, and feeling down. You are juggling all the duty balls in the air whilst suffering from insomnia, indigestion and hot flushes.

You get to your doctor for a five minute consultation who readily hands you a script for a symptom, or perhaps increases the dose as you may be responding to the original complaint, or prescribes another drug to counter the side effects of the drugs you’re on, and so it goes on!

You are time poor, tired and need a quick fix! The “fix” does not work! Are we masking the healing process?

Having worked in the allopathic medical arena and now in the naturopathic and integrative medicine arena, I believe that the most profound way to heal the sick is “go back to basics”, treat the patient, not the disease – and here’s why:

  1. Integrative Medicine is all about you

We examine your entire plethora of symptoms, you past history your family history and your current medications, your allergies and your genetics regime. In simple terms, we dig in deep to assess and examine the underlying causes of your health concerns.

We are health-focused and patient-centric, we personalise your treatment naturally for you.

  1. Integrative Medicine is the way medicine should be

With Integrative Medicine, the patient’s experience is anything but conventional. We balance body chemistries. We identify the metabolic blocks through functional pathology and correct the chemistry predominantly with nutritional medicine.

For example, did you know that an activated amino acid N-acetyl-Cysteine has been shown in published studies to effectively manage alcohol addictions? It is also a well-known fact that depletion in dopamine correlates closely with addictions.

  1. Integrative Medicine is targeted and personalised for you

We design unique, personalized healing plans that Conventional Medicine literally doesn’t have the tools, training, or the time for. The conventional treatment approaches are effective for acute conditions like an antibiotic for a bacterial infection. A quick fix or band aid approach does not necessarily address chronic conditions.

For example, chronic fatigue syndrome is a complex multifactorial condition impacting the body as a whole. We examine the underlying causes be it infectious, adrenal or genetic and assist you to normalise your health. Integrative medicine approach is defective in treating chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, gastrointestinal problems, chronic fatigue, autoimmune diseases, functional disorders, musculoskeletal problems and stress related disorders.

  1. Integrative Medicine uses a science based functional pathology assessment tool

We look for the cause of imbalance of your body chemistries. Functional pathology tests are used to investigate functional, biochemical, nutritional, metabolic and hormonal status which may be causing your illness.

The results provide essential information to assist the practitioner in the diagnosis, treatment and management of patients seeking a holistic approach to health

Most tests are designed so patients can collect specimens in the privacy of their own homes

Functional Pathology testing provides a tool for early intervention, management and monitoring of ongoing treatment efficacy, especially when presenting with chronic unresolved symptoms and/or conditions.

For example, we identify brain chemicals through a simple urine test. Mood imbalances is not about supplementation with an antidepressant. All our neurotransmitters work synergistically with each other like a symphony. Adding one antidepressant affects other neurotransmitters and its nutrient levels. This is why antidepressants are effective in 22% of all depressed patients.

  1. Integrative Medicine is multimodality medicine

 Integrative Medicine should embrace all facets of medicine from conventional or allopathic to naturopathic. We cannot ignore the importance of mind-body medicine.

We need to move away from crisis care model and incorporate lifestyle medicine, nutrition, supplements, stress reduction and exercise to improve the functioning of organs as a means of preventing disease and creating vibrant, sustainable health.

A naturopath will be equally guilty as an allopathic doctor of a band aid approach if herbs are given to alleviate a symptom much like a drug is given by a doctor.

An integrative medicine practitioner will incorporate the complete package bringing in the value of drugs, nutrients, herbs together with the medicinal effect of food, lifestyle, mind management and exercise into the treatment protocol.

Start transitioning from illness to wellness with Integrative medicine.

Now have the knowledge to go beyond the current crisis care model and offer patients a much better approach to their health. We can incorporate we can address the healthcare needs of the 21st century….Let’s do it!!

If you would like further information or assistance on the topic of integrative medicine, please contact Vanita Dahia.

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