Custom Compounded Amino Acids vs Protein Powders

by Vanita Dahia

Did you know that the amino acid constituents are not the same in the different types of protein powders?

Photo credit: las – initially via Visualhunt / CC BY-NC-ND

If you happen to be Glutamate toxic, it is very important to reduce neurotoxic foods from the diet. You may be taking a protein powder innocently without realizing that it may be harming you.

Are all protein powders the same?

Glutamine content in different commercial protein powders vary from batch to batch, source and location. The comparative Amino Acid Chart details the constituent of commercial protein sourced powders.

For example, Glutamate (Glutamic acid) content in the following sources differ in concentration as seen below:

Whey isolate 19.5%
Pea protein 3.1%
Soy Isolate 18.9%
Brown Rice protein 18.5%

Testing for Amino Acids

Amino Acids Analysis should be considered whenever a thorough nutritional assessment is desired. Amino acids can be measured in a DIY urine or blood test. You could even have a fasting serum amino-acid test done to measure your current status and help identify the existing imbalance of amino-acids in the body. We are then able to compound a specific blend for you to address your body’s identified deficiencies. Amino-acids are recommended to be taken with B group vitamins.

Assessment of amino acid levels will help to identify contributors to illness and allow for precise replacement of deficient amino-acids. Results can be utilized in the design of specific replacement therapy, aimed at restoring balance where it is needed.

What do we do with your results?

I specialize in detailed interpretation of Amino Acid results. The Results will give us clues of physiological imbalance in all organ systems.
I will calculate your suggested blend of amino-acid requirements based upon the measured level versus the reference range, the individual’s age and sex, and a human needs tabulation derived from the National Research Council’s table of amino acids requirements. Such supplements are to be prescribed by the health practitioner, formulated and custom compounded individually for you.

What’s the difference between a commercially available amino acid/protein powder and a custom compounded Amino Acid Complex?

Most commercial amino acid blends contain amino acids in small doses blended together with soy or whey protein & bulked up with additives and flavors.
The amino acid blends, specially compounded for you is a blend of specific amino acids only –no fillers, no flavors, no adulterants. It is recommended that to optimize the use of amino acids, one should take amino acids with a good B group vitamin supplement.
Contact us or your health care practitioner to determine the specific amino acid complex for your particular circumstances.

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