
Pain Pain Go Away

by Vanita Dahia I couldn’t help giggling inside as I heard the conversations of pain and inflammations around the coffee table. “My knee aches, I can’t lift my arm cos’ of my shoulder injury, my knees hurt, I can’t walk due to hip injury or my headaches are debilitating”, a form of an organ recital. …

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Living with Chronic Pain

by Vanita Dahia   Pain is multi-faceted – the experience of pain is unique for each person often dependant on several factors. Pain can result from physical, psychological, auto-immune, cognitive, cultural, environmental and genetic factors which sends signals to the brain that something is wrong obstructing the natural flow of blood, oxygen and energy in …

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Pain Relief from the Kitchen

by Vanita Dahia Suffering with pain? Pain pills not working or upsetting your system? Pain in the bones, muscles or joints? Pain is an unpleasant feeling which can be acute or persistent. Acute pain can be intense and last a short time but chronic pain persists for long periods and often resistant to medications. Pain …

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Pain Pill Pushers

by Vanita Dahia   Pain is an inevitable outcome of many chronic inflammatory diseases, completely destroying peoples’ quality of life. More than a fifth of codeine users are now stock piling their stash of codeine based pain medication in light of the new regulations. On February 1st 2018, over the counter pain medication from pharmacies will …

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