
I have completed the Master Class on Amino Acids with Vanita.

As a Naturopath/Herbalist, I have felt many times that I have just been missing that little something, and I feel it has been the balancing of the Amino’s.

After doing this course, I feel so much more confident in bringing in a more individualised treatment, using the AA’s to help balance the clients treatments and get them on a better healing path.

Being a masterclass, there is a lot of information in here, as I would expect. I will surely be going over this more then once, and I have made sure to have the physical book in my reference library.

Vanita always made herself available to answer any questions I had along the way, was very supportive of my needs in learning, and I enjoyed finding my confidence in being able to refine this area more in my clinical practice. A wonderful teacher and support.

If you are really looking to get down to the nitty-gritty and really refine your treatments, then I would suggest doing the master class ( I have also purchased Alchemy of the Mind and can’t wait to get this all married together).

Thank you Vanita, and I look forward to seeing what other gems of knowledge you are able to share with us.

— Sharon Forbes N.P. Qld

You’re Awesome Vanita, thanx-a-mil!!! I listened to the one hour interview this morning on “what woman should know”…on “Should you be on a Statin if your Cholesterol is Elevated?” where Dr Sellman interviewed you… it was soooooooooo good, you’ve got the most amazing way to explain things, such a gift and I feel so honoured that you shared it with me. What a great advertisement (indirectly) for Nutripath as well!!! I can’t wait to listen to the ATMS webinar as well!

— Adri Ferreira
Aukland Regional Technical Manager, Nutrisearch

Before I saw Vanita at Empowered Health, I was extremely tired but wasn’t able to sleep well as I was waking up during the night. I felt stressed, anxious & tired all the time which was making me feel depressed.

After a couple of months of being on the program Vanita prescribed, I began sleeping through the night, had more energy, felt calm & could concentrate again. Vanita is extremely thorough, knowledgable & cares about people.

I have seen numerous healthcare practitioners previously but have only achieved results with Vanita at Empowered Health due to her extensive & unique background. The amino acid therapy program worked wonders for me & am extremely grateful for the help as I can now keep up with my 2 yr old & life in general.

— Talia R

I first met Vanita Dahia in 2003. Since that time I have become good friends with Vanita as well as developing a strong working, professional relationship with her. I have always been most impressed with her approach to the work she does. Her dedication to the personal attention to her patients in the healing area is of the highest calibre. In all the time I have known Vanita I have admired her devotion to her research and teaching at the cutting edge in the field of health particularly in the matter of chronic illness. Over the years I have referred patients of mine to Vanita with confidence and have always received positive feedback regarding her professional and caring attitude.

— Sean McNamara

I have known Vanita since my time as President of the Australasian Integrative Medicine Association. To me, she is an amazing explorer of life who has equipped herself with knowledge of Pharmacy, Hormone therapies and Nutritional medicine on the one hand and the wisdom of the Ancient Sciences of Ayurveda and Mind Body medicine on the other hand. I would thoroughly recommend Vanita if you want a thorough metabolic work up or emotional support.

— Dr Margaret Jiin Ngu
Transformational Medicine Australia Healing Anxiety, Stress, Depression and Chronic Illness Past President of Australasian Integrative Medicine association Founding member of IOICP ( International Organisation of Integrative Cancer Physicians) Member of AAOT ( American Academy of Ozone Therapy) Founder of AAOM ( Australian Academy Of Oxidative Medicine) Founder of AATM ( Australian Academy of Transformational Medicine)

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