What is Naturopathy and Integrative Medicine

What is Naturopathy and Integrative Medicine?



Naturopathy uses natural medicines to help you feel better as quickly as possible, to reach an improved state of wellbeing and help to prevent health problems from developing.

Naturopathy is not a band aid approach to medicine. It identifies through detailed history taking, functional pathology and in-house assessments functional blocks in your metabolism which leads to ill health.

Naturopathy does this by alleviating your symptoms, increasing your vitality and most importantly by addressing and correcting the underlying cause of your health concern.

Restore Health and Wellbeing


To restore health and wellbeing, Naturopathy utilizes herbal medicine, nutritional medicine, compounded medicine as well as dietary and lifestyle advice. 

Client education is also an important part of our approach as it enhances your ability to be an active participant in your own health care.

Vanita draws on her qualifications as a pharmacist, naturopath, nutritionist and Anti-Ageing Consultant in Mental Health, Allergy treatments, hormone balance, Gastro-intestinal health and depression to offer clients a more holistic approach to their health care.

Integrative Medicine


Integrative Medicine encompasses the allopathic and natural medicine paradigms and has a valuable role in treating any functional, structural, mental or emotional imbalance with its broad range of remedies, as well as working beautifully as an adjunct to many other alternative and orthodox therapies.

Conventional or Allopathic medicine is aimed at addressing the end stage of disease with band aid interventions using pharmaceuticals. This invites a concept of poly-pharmacy, a need for additional prescriptions to either enhance the drugs used or counter the side effects of the drugs being taken.

We have made huge advances in allopathic medicine particularly in regard to innovative surgical procedures, stem cell therapy and the like. However, the consumer is equipped with a plethora of knowledge and a vast database of studies, diagnostics, treatments and natural interventions at a click of a button to further confuse their doctor.

Integrative medicine has the capacity to address the underlying causative factors associated with the patients’ health concerns and correct the chemistries with natural and allopathic treatment approaches which can be custom tailored to the individual.

Healthcare is moving very fast with integrating the conventional and natural health models, transforming healthcare, one patient at a time.

Among the fastest-growing medical specialties in the world, Integrative medicine is an innovation in healthcare, blazing new advancements in advanced preventive medicine. Integrative medicine is founded on advancements in science, pathology and medical technologies, integration of many health modalities in complex and chronic health conditions.

The goal of Integrative medicine is not to merely prolong the total years of an individual’s life, but to ensure that those years are enjoyed in a productive and vital fashion.

I work collaboratively with the medical fraternity, functional pathology and allied health services in provision of numerous services which are well established in Australia under the strict guidelines and regulations of Therapeutics Goods Administration (Australian equivalent to FDA in USA) and our professional governing bodies.

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