Amino acids in Mental Health and Insomnia
Date: 10 May 2018
Topic: Amino Acids in mental Health and Insomnia
Organisation: CMA
Venue: Webinar – your computer
Invitation from: Tammy Blaufuhs
Amino acids in Mental Health and Insomnia
Amino Acids are the essential precursors to neurotransmitters providing a sound basis for mental health. Amino acids are fundamental to life. They form the basis of our genome and provide fundamental information about nutrient adequacy, including the quality and quantity of dietary protein, digestive disorders, and vitamin and mineral deficiencies.
Depression and insomnia affects more than a third of the population. Many use antidepressants and hypnotics to manage mental health and induce sleep. Drugs have their limitations in efficacy and come with their range of side effects, adverse reactions and contra-indications.
The value of replenishing amino acids have proven to provide natural alternatives to hypnotics. Conceptual limitations have not been recognized adequately until recent findings have identified the essential need of Ornithine and Serine in insomnia, Glutamine in intestinal mucosal integrity or Arginine in neonatal growth and embryonic survival. Many herbs have been trialled successfully in insomnia but, surprisingly, the amino acids L-Serine and Glycine have emerged, bringing improvements in sleep without the unpleasant side effects.
In this webinar, you will learn:
- Therapeutic role of amino acids in mental health
- Interpretation of results in a functional format for ease of interpretation
- Amino acids in insomnia
- Patient specific customized amino acid therapy