Assessment Options in Lyme, Mould, and Biotoxin Exposure

Assessment options in Lyme, Mould, and Biotoxin exposure


Date: 4 June 2018
Topic: Assessment options in Lyme, Mould, and Biotoxin exposure
Organisation: CMA
Venue: Webinar – your computer
Invitation from: Tammy Blaufuhs





Assessment options in Lyme, Mould, and Biotoxin exposure

Chronic Inflammatory Diseases including Lyme disease, CIRS and Mould Biotoxins have been a popular topic of discussion at recent educational seminars. CIRS is an acute and chronic, systemic inflammatory response syndrome acquired following exposure to the interior environment of a water-damaged building with resident toxigenic organisms, including, but not limited to fungi, bacteria, actinomycetes and mycobacteria as well as inflammogens.

Autoimmune diseases such as CFS and fibromyalgia have chemical and clinical roots which may affect metabolic outcomes.

Vanita will reveal the current concepts of potential triggers associated with chronic diseases, assessment options and natural treatment options with particular focus on:

  • HLA gene studies
  • Mould, ERMI and EMMA scores
  • biotoxins, Mycotoxins and gliotoxins
  • Lyme disease and co-infections
  • When, why and what to test
  • A brief overview of natural treatment options