Alchemy of the Mind Online Masterclass Comprehensive

Alchemy of the Mind Online Masterclass offers:

  • A complimentary copy of Alchemy of the Mind book
  • Online webinars
  • All resources
  • A 30 min one-on-one consultation with Vanita Dahia to troubleshoot your case


Why is this important?

Mental health is a growing problem in clinical practice affecting patients of all ages. Recent epidemiological data provide evidence of a steady rise in mental and neurological disorders.

Genetic associations, hormonal and thyroid dysregulation, adrenal stress, diet, exercise, inflammation, toxicity and the gut microbiota are now recognized as some of the crucial factors that can affect brain and neurological health

  • Are your patients stressed, anxious, or depressed?
  • Antidepressants not working effectively for them?
  • Stuck or too scared to try to wean off mood medication?
  • Want to understand how the brain talks to the body?
  • Want to feel more confident in treating anxious or depressed clients?
  • Are you unsure of where to find information on how to treat mood changes?
  • Talking therapy not enough for your patients?

The players of neurotransmission orchestrates harmonious rhythms of inhibitory and excitatory balance. When one player or neurotransmitters is out of balance, the entire orchestra goes out of sync and affects other organ systems.

Discover how to investigate the underlying causes of mental health with in-depth understanding of brain chemistries.

Learning outcomes

I have brought together the interconnectedness of neurotransmission pathways with biochemical and metabolic blocks in the body. I will demonstrate practical approaches to applying this rapidly growing body of knowledge of functional pathology with natural treatment approaches to create a cohesive clinical model.

The players of neurotransmission orchestrates harmonious rhythms of inhibitory and excitatory balance. When one player or neurotransmitters is out of balance, the entire orchestra goes out of sync and affects other organ systems.

This course will give you all the tools that are required to achieve happiness and optimum management of the mind as a patient or a practitioner.

It is aimed at giving you:

  • practical tools that you can use right away
  • achieve results from the get go
  • give you the right insight of the mind
  • show you how to test, treat and tailor evidence-based natural medicine for the individual

Examine the cluster of symptoms and unlock the clinical triggers of mental health!

Alchemy of the Mind Online Masterclass Content

What will you get

Alchemy of the Mind Online Masterclass offers:

  • A complimentary copy of Alchemy of the Mind book
  • Online webinars
  • All resources
  • A 30 min one-on-one consultation with Vanita Dahia to troubleshoot your case

Lessons in this course:

Introduction to Alchemy of the Mind Masterclass

Alchemy of the Mind eBook

Nuts and bolts of neurotransmitters Part 1

Nuts and bolts of neurotransmitters Part 2

Hi’s and Lo’s of neurotransmitters

Adrenal Fatigue and Stress Part 1

Adrenal Fatigue and Stress Part 2

Gut Brain Axis

Hormones Mood Connection

Thyroid Mood Connection

Methylation Part 1

Methylation Part 2

Histamine Part 1

Histamine Part 2


Nutrient Power In Mental Health Part 1

Nutrient Power In Mental Health Part 2

Amino Acids in Mental Health and Insomnia

Essential Fatty Acids in Mental Health

Appetite Regulatory Hormones in Mental Health Part 1

Appetite Regulatory Hormones in Mental Health Part 2

Hormones, Addiction, Libido in Mental Health

The Toxic Brain

The Power of Natural Medicine in OCD

Herbs vs Drugs for Mental Health

Good Mood Food

Controlled Breathing Techniques

Testing for Mental Health

This offering provides CPD continuing professional development credits for