Navigating Estrogen and its Metabolites

In this webinar, you will learn:

  • How important estrogens are in the body
  • Types and roles of estrogens
  • Measuring estrogen and its metabolites
  • An in-depth understanding of estrogen metabolites
  • Balancing estrogens with naturally and with bio-identical hormones


Alchemy of Health Webinar Series – Navigating Estrogen and its Metabolites


Why is it Important?

All Estrogens are not the same. As a woman ages, her estrogens together with progesterone declines to prepare for fertility in the younger years and protection in her post-menopausal years. Problems arise when estrogens become dominant relative to progesterone or Estrone elevates relative to estradiol or estriol.

An imbalance or estrogens is linked to a wide range of symptoms from hot flushes, night sweats, PMS, irritability, infertility, weight gain, irregular menstrual cycles, low libido, and foggy brain. Estrone is the most proliferative estrogen responsible for more serious hormone associated conditions such as endometriosis, fibroids, PCOS, fibrocystic breasts including cancer.

Testing active hormone levels and its metabolism, methylation and clearance with the right lab test, can potentially alleviate the development of hormone associated health conditions.

Learning Outcomes

In this webinar, you will learn:

  • How important estrogens are in the body
  • Types and roles of estrogens
  • Measuring estrogen and its metabolites
  • An in-depth understanding of estrogen metabolites
  • Balancing estrogens with naturally and with bio-identical hormones

This offering provides CPD continuing professional development credits for CMA and ATMS

Australian Traditional Medicine SocietyComplimentary Medicine Association