
Boosting BDNF in Alzheimer’s Disease

Boosting BDNF in Alzheimer’s Disease

Brain derived neurotropic factor (BDNF) is naturally produced by brain cells to regulate normal brain and plasticity. Boosting BDNF in the brain can also delay the cognition degradation that occurs in Alzheimer’s Disease and Senile Dementia. It is estimated that in 2020 there are between 400,000 and 459,000 Australians with dementia, with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) …

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Unlock your DNA to Personalise your Diet

Unlock your DNA to Personalise your Diet

What you eat will not change the sequence of your DNA, but your diet has a profound effect on how you “express” the possibilities encoded in your DNA. The foods you consume can turn on or off certain genetic markers which play a major role in your health outcomes. Your DNA contains information that determines …

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The Lowdown on Diets

The Lowdown on Diets

Are we facing an up-hill battle with global obesity? Which diet is right for you? How do you decipher all the healthy diets? The World Health Organisation (WHO) have reported that: • Worldwide obesity has nearly tripled since 1975 • Over 650 million people are obese worldwide • 39% of adults aged 18 years and …

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What is Naturopathy and Integrative Medicine?

What is Naturopathy and Integrative Medicine

Naturopathy Naturopathy uses natural medicines to help you feel better as quickly as possible, to reach an improved state of wellbeing and help to prevent health problems from developing. Naturopathy is not a band aid approach to medicine. It identifies through detailed history taking, functional pathology and in-house assessments functional blocks in your metabolism which …

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Is Stress making you Wired and Tired?

Vanita Dahia Assess your Type of Stress and Naturally Manage Stress Lifestyle, physical and psychological stresses put constant demands on the adrenal glands. If they get depleted, adrenal fatigue or adrenal insufficiency may be experienced. In fact, stress related problems are the root cause of approximately 90 percent of doctor visits. Most stressed people associate …

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Connection between Hormones and Mood

by Vanita Dahia   Women are powerful beings. Women juggle many balls through their lives wearing different hats of a daughter, wife, mother, domestic householder, worker, executive, cook, cleaner, administrator, social organiser, entertainer, counsellor and maybe a grandmother. What makes women tick? The resilience of a woman is governed by her hormones.Hormones enliven us. They …

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Achy Breakie Heart

by Vanita Dahia I couldn’t help but feel a deep ache in my heart when reaching out to a friend who has just lost her loved one with a heart attack. The hierarchy of emotions felt at the time transitioned rather slowly from blame, resentment, the shouldve’s, couldve’s and anger to a glimmer of acceptance. …

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Link between Estrogen and the Microbiome

by Vanita Dahia   The immune integrity of the gut mucosa is crucial to metabolic health of a woman especially as she goes through hormonal changes. Estrogens influence the microbiome to regulate weight gain and lipid or fat deposition. Estrogens fluctuate throughout a woman’s cycle and particularly during PMS, menopause and in complex women’s health …

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Pain Pain Go Away

by Vanita Dahia I couldn’t help giggling inside as I heard the conversations of pain and inflammations around the coffee table. “My knee aches, I can’t lift my arm cos’ of my shoulder injury, my knees hurt, I can’t walk due to hip injury or my headaches are debilitating”, a form of an organ recital. …

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The long term health effects hidden in the Aussie toxic smoke

The Long Term Health Effects Hidden in the Aussie Toxic Smoke

by Vanita Dahia Australia has been ravaged by the worst wildfires seen in decades with swaths of the country devastated since the fire season began and still continues. The catastrophic bush fires have destroyed more than 18 600 000 hectares of land, destroyed over 5900 buildings, 3000 homes many of whom have will have lost …

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