Cortisol and stress

Achy Breakie Heart

by Vanita Dahia I couldn’t help but feel a deep ache in my heart when reaching out to a friend who has just lost her loved one with a heart attack. The hierarchy of emotions felt at the time transitioned rather slowly from blame, resentment, the shouldve’s, couldve’s and anger to a glimmer of acceptance. …

Achy Breakie Heart Read More »

Holistic Retreats - evidence of benefit

Holistic Retreats – do they create measurable physiological and psychological changes?

Holistic Retreats – do they create measurable physiological and psychological changes? by Vanita Dahia I was inspired by the tutelage and support of John Vasta and Heather Musgrove of  Vasta Retreats, a retreat of vision, awareness, and strength through acceptance Heather Musgrove and Vanita Dahia have worked towards measuring the stress hormone, Cortisol and a …

Holistic Retreats – do they create measurable physiological and psychological changes? Read More »