Vanita Dahia

Daily Routines for Optimal Health – Oil Pulling

Daily Routines for Optimal Health – Oil Pulling

Daily Routines for Optimal Health – Oil Pulling by Vanita Dahia Daily routines that can improve your health dramatically Allocation of about 15 minutes in the morning to perform the daily routines can make a profound difference to your health, energy and mood. Upon rising, perform Oil pulling with tongue scraping Apple cider vinegar and …

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Daily Routines for Optimal Health – Apple Cider Vinegar and Lemon Drink

Daily Routines for Optimal Health – Apple Cider Vinegar and Lemon Drink

Daily Routines for Optimal Health – Apple Cider Vinegar and Lemon Drink by Vanita Dahia   Daily routines that can improve your health dramatically Allocation of about 15 minutes in the morning to perform the daily routines can make a profound difference to your health, energy and mood. Upon rising, perform Oil pulling with tongue …

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Daily Routines for Optimal Health - Breathing Techniques Pranayama

Controlled Rythmic Breathing Techniques – Pranayama

Controlled Rythmic Breathing Techniques – Pranayama By Vanita Dahia Daily routines that can improve your health dramatically Allocation of about 15 minutes in the morning to perform the daily routines can make a profound difference to your health, energy and mood. Upon rising, perform Oil pulling with tongue scraping Apple cider vinegar and lemon drink …

Controlled Rythmic Breathing Techniques – Pranayama Read More »

Sad Mood Epidemic in The Art of Healing Magazine by Vanita Dahia

Sad Mood Epidemic in The Art of Healing Magazine

Sad Mood Epidemic in The Art of Healing Magazine Date: 1 March 2017 Publication: The Art of Healing Vol 1, Issue 58 Mar/May 2017 Author: Vanita Dahia Title: Is an imbalance in brain chemicals responsible for our sad mood epidemic? Keywords: Transcript: Brain chemical imbalance is responsible for moods. Happy and sad brain chemicals also known as neurotransmitters are …

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Vanita Dahia with Gillian Blair on Radio 3WAYFM

Vanita Dahia with Gillian Blair on Radio 3WAYFM

Vanita Dahia with Gillian Blair on Radio 3WAYFM Date: 6 February 2017 Interviewees: Vanita Dahia with Gillian Blair Details: Vanita Dahia with Gillian Blair on 3WAYFM discussing Alchemy of the Mind, Stress, how the mind affects sleep, the gut and adrenal fatigue Websites: and Keywords: Vanita Dahia, Gillian Blair, Alchemy of the Mind, Gillian Blair Audio file: (37.34MB) 00:26:19

Vanita Dahia with Dr Sherrill Sellman on Methylation

Vanita Dahia with Dr Sherrill Sellman on Methylation

Vanita Dahia with Dr Sherrill Sellman on Methylation Date: 26 November 2016 Interviewees: Vanita Dahia with Dr Sherrill Sellman Details: Vanita Dahia interviewed Dr Sherrill Sellman on the topic of Methylation – the underlying cause of genetic predisposition of mental health. Dr Sherrill Sellman is an internationally recognised author, naturopathic physician and radio host based in Oklahoma, …

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Oh Bummer! How does Disappointment Affect Mood?

by Vanita Dahia Things not working out your way? On a downer? Feeling down or disappointed? When things don’t work out the way we expect them to, we might feel overwhelmed or saddened by circumstances. That downer feeling involves neurotransmitters becoming imbalanced and changes in neural firing underpinning the proverbial negative outlook. How does Disappointment …

Oh Bummer! How does Disappointment Affect Mood? Read More »

Custom Compounded Amino Acids vs Protein Powders

by Vanita Dahia Did you know that the amino acid constituents are not the same in the different types of protein powders? Photo credit: las – initially via Visualhunt / CC BY-NC-ND If you happen to be Glutamate toxic, it is very important to reduce neurotoxic foods from the diet. You may be taking a …

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Amino Acids – the Building blocks of Protein

Amino Acids – the Building blocks of Protein

Amino Acids – the Building blocks of Protein by Vanita Dahia Amino-acids in practice The benefits of taking amino-acids to improve your health can hardly be overstated. All the body tissues – every muscle, hair, nail, enzyme, and brain cell – is made from amino-acids. They are central to the bio-chemistry of your body. It …

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