Vanita Dahia

Vanita Dahia - Integrative Medicine Expert, Pharmacist, Naturopath and Author of Alchemy of the Mind and Alchemy of Amino Acids

Oh Bummer! How does Disappointment Affect Mood?

by Vanita Dahia Things not working out your way? On a downer? Feeling down or disappointed? When things don’t work out the way we expect them to, we might feel overwhelmed or saddened by circumstances. That downer feeling involves neurotransmitters becoming imbalanced and changes in neural firing underpinning the proverbial negative outlook. How does Disappointment …

Oh Bummer! How does Disappointment Affect Mood? Read More »

Custom Compounded Amino Acids vs Protein Powders

by Vanita Dahia Did you know that the amino acid constituents are not the same in the different types of protein powders? Photo credit: las – initially via Visualhunt / CC BY-NC-ND If you happen to be Glutamate toxic, it is very important to reduce neurotoxic foods from the diet. You may be taking a …

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Amino Acids – the Building blocks of Protein

Amino Acids – the Building blocks of Protein

Amino Acids – the Building blocks of Protein by Vanita Dahia Amino-acids in practice The benefits of taking amino-acids to improve your health can hardly be overstated. All the body tissues – every muscle, hair, nail, enzyme, and brain cell – is made from amino-acids. They are central to the bio-chemistry of your body. It …

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Does Copper affect Mood?

By Vanita Dahia Photo credit: las – initially via Visualhunt / CC BY-NC-ND • What is it mean to have a heavy metal toxicity? • What to heavy metals do to the body? • Can we detect levels of heavy metal toxicity? • What do you do about it? There is a greater awareness of heavy …

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Alchemy of the Mind Book Launch

Book Launch – Alchemy of the Mind

Book Launch – Alchemy of the Mind Vanita Dahia would like to invite you to join her at the launch of her very first book: Alchemy of the Mind Date: Wednesday 15 March 2016 Venue: Elyros Restaurant, Level 1, 871 Burke Road, Camberwell, Melbourne, 3124 Time: 6:30pm – 8:00pm Alchemy of the Mind offers an engaging and informative …

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Does the brain need an oil change?

Does the brain need an oil change? by Vanita Dahia Fatty acids are the key fuel source for our brain and our body. They are required for cellular communication, immune and inflammatory pathways. It is therefore not surprising that an imbalance of the good oils can give rise to neurological imbalances. The body requires Omega …

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Is Histamine the reason you are depressed?

Is Histamine the Reason you are Depressed?

Taking antihistamines for your allergies? Anxious or depressed? Suffer with migraine headaches? If you have answered Yes to these questions, you may have a Histamine imbalance. Histamine is a neurotransmitter or brain chemical derived from an amino acid called histadine. Histamine is well known for its association with allergies, eczema, or hayfever. It acts as …

Is Histamine the Reason you are Depressed? Read More »

5 Reasons Why Integrative Medicine Works

5 Reasons Why Integrative Medicine Works

5 Reasons Why Integrative Medicine Works by Vanita Dahia You’re tired, stressed, and feeling down. You are juggling all the duty balls in the air whilst suffering from insomnia, indigestion and hot flushes. You get to your doctor for a five minute consultation who readily hands you a script for a symptom, or perhaps increases …

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