Alchemy of the Mind

Is Stress making you Wired and Tired?

Vanita Dahia Assess your Type of Stress and Naturally Manage Stress Lifestyle, physical and psychological stresses put constant demands on the adrenal glands. If they get depleted, adrenal fatigue or adrenal insufficiency may be experienced. In fact, stress related problems are the root cause of approximately 90 percent of doctor visits. Most stressed people associate …

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Chemistry of Love, Lust and Attraction

by Vanita Dahia What a wonderful feeling to be in love! Love is a beautiful phenomenon that leaves us feeling giddy with racing hearts, flushed skin and sweaty palms. However, it’s a rather challenging task to define or describe the emotion of love as it means and feels different for each of us. The emotion …

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Assessment Options for Mental Health

by Vanita Dahia The complexity of mental health is frequently an intimidating dynamic process that keeps many patients and health practitioners on their toes. An appreciation of the underlying causative factors that occur with mental health disturbances can lend itself to targeting assessment options. Experiencing anxiety, stress or depression? Current therapies and medications not working …

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APOE Gene in Alzheimers Disease

by Vanita Dahia Are you at risk for develping Alzheimer’s Disese? Forgetful, brain fog, poor recall? Now you can determine if you are at risk of Alzheimer’s Disease with a simple gene test! Senile dementia and AD are considered the greatest medical threats of the twenty-first century which manifests as cognition decline, neuro-immunological conditions and …

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Amino Acids in Mental Health

Amino Acids in Mental Health

Amino Acids in Mental Health by Vanita Dahia Communication within the brain & between the brain & the rest of the nervous system occurs through chemical “languages” called neurotransmitters. The central nervous system is almost completely regulated by amino acids & peptides. Amino acids needed to manufacture neurotransmitters Amino Acid           …

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Pharmacists’ Support Services Charity Dinner for Chinese New Year

Pharmacists’ Support Services Charity Dinner for Chinese New Year Pharmacists’ Support Services (PSS) offer a listening ear for pharmacists in times of stress,  as close as your phone. The Pharmacists’ Support Service is a free service run by pharmacists for pharmacists. It is an independent incorporated association supported by the profession which provides support to …

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Alchemy of the Mind Book Banner

Vanita Dahia Author Book Launch Alchemy of the Mind Interviews

Vanita Dahia Author Book Launch Alchemy of the Mind Interviews with Guests Date: 15 March 2017 Location: Elyros Restaurant, 871 Burke Road, Camberwell, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia 3124 Time:  6:30pm – 8:00pm Guest Speakers: Vanita Dahia, Dr Kamal Sanghvi and Peter Gotis Ruth Stuttgen, Author, Life Coach, Speaker  Dr Wai Kwen Pun, Integrative Doctor Dr Kamal Sanghvi, …

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Alchemy of the Mind by Vanita Dahia Book Launch

Alchemy of the Mind by Vanita Dahia Book Launch Date: 15 March 2017 Location: Elyros Restaurant, 871 Burke Road, Camberwell, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia 3124 Time:  6:30pm – 8:00pm Guest Speakers: Vanita Dahia, Dr Kamal Sanghvi and Peter Gotis Photos: Goodie Bag: Interview with Dr Sherrill Sellman on the topic of Methylation Interview with Gillian Blair …

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Sad Mood Epidemic in The Art of Healing Magazine by Vanita Dahia

Sad Mood Epidemic in The Art of Healing Magazine

Sad Mood Epidemic in The Art of Healing Magazine Date: 1 March 2017 Publication: The Art of Healing Vol 1, Issue 58 Mar/May 2017 Author: Vanita Dahia Title: Is an imbalance in brain chemicals responsible for our sad mood epidemic? Keywords: Transcript: Brain chemical imbalance is responsible for moods. Happy and sad brain chemicals also known as neurotransmitters are …

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Vanita Dahia with Gillian Blair on Radio 3WAYFM

Vanita Dahia with Gillian Blair on Radio 3WAYFM

Vanita Dahia with Gillian Blair on Radio 3WAYFM Date: 6 February 2017 Interviewees: Vanita Dahia with Gillian Blair Details: Vanita Dahia with Gillian Blair on 3WAYFM discussing Alchemy of the Mind, Stress, how the mind affects sleep, the gut and adrenal fatigue Websites: and Keywords: Vanita Dahia, Gillian Blair, Alchemy of the Mind, Gillian Blair Audio file: (37.34MB) 00:26:19