Functional Pathology

The long term health effects hidden in the Aussie toxic smoke

The Long Term Health Effects Hidden in the Aussie Toxic Smoke

by Vanita Dahia Australia has been ravaged by the worst wildfires seen in decades with swaths of the country devastated since the fire season began and still continues. The catastrophic bush fires have destroyed more than 18 600 000 hectares of land, destroyed over 5900 buildings, 3000 homes many of whom have will have lost …

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Potential Heavy Metal Toxicity in Gluten-free, Vegetarian and Vegan Diets

by Vanita Dahia   Just when you though eating vegetarian foods could be healthier for you, a recent study has shown that you may be taking in metals such as Arsenic, Mercury, Lead, Cadmium, and Cobalt. Many gluten-free diets include grains which has been shown to be associated with increased metal bioaccumulation. The levels of heavy metals in urine and …

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Androgen Deficiency in the Ageing Male (ADAM)

by Vanita Dahia As a man ages, he goes through lots of changes called andropause pretty much what women go through in menopause. About 30% of men in their 50’s experience andropause. In Australia, about 1 in every 200 men under the age of 60 and about 1 in every 10 men over 60 have …

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Multiple Sclerosis

by Vanita Dahia   Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic, inflammatory autoimmune disease that affects the nervous system. The name multiple sclerosis refers to the multiple scars (scleroses) on the myelin sheaths. The myelin sheath around the neurons usually protected with a layer of essential fatty acids aimed at stimulating neurotransmission from neurone to neurone, …

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Thyroid Matters

by Vanita Dahia   Do you feel tired and cold? Do you suffer with swollen joints or have a poor memory? Difficulty in losing weight? You may need to check the health of your thyroid. Thyroid Gland Your thyroid gland is located in the neck area, controlling how quickly the body uses energy, makes protein …

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Amino Acids in Mental Health

Amino Acids in Mental Health

Amino Acids in Mental Health by Vanita Dahia Communication within the brain & between the brain & the rest of the nervous system occurs through chemical “languages” called neurotransmitters. The central nervous system is almost completely regulated by amino acids & peptides. Amino acids needed to manufacture neurotransmitters Amino Acid           …

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Are your Genes Affecting Appetite and Weight?

by Vanita Dahia There are certain genes that have the potential to impact how we perceive and desire particular foods, and influence our eating behaviours, such as excessive snacking and difficulty feeling full. For example, variants in the ANKK1 and DRD2 genes, which result in a reduced density of dopamine receptors in your brain, have been …

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gut microbiome

GUT Microbiome

GUT Microbiome by Vanita Dahia The gut microbiome is a complex community of microbial organisms living in the small and large intestine. This microbial community is made up of a hundred trillion microorganisms containing more than 1000 different species. The microbiome is made up of bacteria predominantly, together with yeasts, viruses and parasites all collectively …

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Exercise, Hot Flushes, Sweating and Iodine Deficiency

Exercise, Hot Flushes, Sweating and Iodine Deficiency

Exercise, Hot Flushes, Sweating and Iodine Deficiency by Vanita Dahia Doesn’t it feel amazing to have a good sweat after a session of exercise? Fed up of sweating during menopause? Constantly sweating irrespective of the temperature? Generally, most people tend to sweat when they have exerted themselves during exercise, live in humid environments, or are …

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The Importance of Glutamate before you Eat that next Piece of Steak

The Importance of Glutamate before you Eat that next Piece of Steak

by Vanita Dahia   What does aggression, schizophrenia, motor neurone disease, seizures, ADD have in common? Glutamate from your humble steak! Gluatamate is the most powerful excitatory neurotransmitter that is released by nerve cells in the brain. Over-excitation of these neurons can cause cell damage and and cell death, or as some would say, “the …

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