
Living with Chronic Pain

by Vanita Dahia   Pain is multi-faceted – the experience of pain is unique for each person often dependant on several factors. Pain can result from physical, psychological, auto-immune, cognitive, cultural, environmental and genetic factors which sends signals to the brain that something is wrong obstructing the natural flow of blood, oxygen and energy in …

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APOE Gene in Alzheimers Disease

by Vanita Dahia Are you at risk for develping Alzheimer’s Disese? Forgetful, brain fog, poor recall? Now you can determine if you are at risk of Alzheimer’s Disease with a simple gene test! Senile dementia and AD are considered the greatest medical threats of the twenty-first century which manifests as cognition decline, neuro-immunological conditions and …

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Androgen Deficiency in the Ageing Male (ADAM)

by Vanita Dahia As a man ages, he goes through lots of changes called andropause pretty much what women go through in menopause. About 30% of men in their 50’s experience andropause. In Australia, about 1 in every 200 men under the age of 60 and about 1 in every 10 men over 60 have …

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Multiple Sclerosis

by Vanita Dahia   Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic, inflammatory autoimmune disease that affects the nervous system. The name multiple sclerosis refers to the multiple scars (scleroses) on the myelin sheaths. The myelin sheath around the neurons usually protected with a layer of essential fatty acids aimed at stimulating neurotransmission from neurone to neurone, …

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Pain Relief from the Kitchen

by Vanita Dahia Suffering with pain? Pain pills not working or upsetting your system? Pain in the bones, muscles or joints? Pain is an unpleasant feeling which can be acute or persistent. Acute pain can be intense and last a short time but chronic pain persists for long periods and often resistant to medications. Pain …

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Thyroid Matters

by Vanita Dahia   Do you feel tired and cold? Do you suffer with swollen joints or have a poor memory? Difficulty in losing weight? You may need to check the health of your thyroid. Thyroid Gland Your thyroid gland is located in the neck area, controlling how quickly the body uses energy, makes protein …

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The happiness in dark Chocolate

The Happiness in Dark Chocolate

The Happiness in Dark Chocolate Consumption of chocolate escalates at times of celebrations, especially around Easter, Valentines day and Mothers day. After all, you can’t go wrong with gift of chocolates. All chocolate if now bad for you. No need to feel the guilt with a dark chocolate. Dark Chocolate is derived from the seed …

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Amino Acids in Exercise and Sport

Amino Acids in Exercise and Sport

Amino Acids in Exercise and Sport by Vanita Dahia Taking amino acid muscle bulking powders? Sports nutrition with enhanced additives in protein powders are growing exponentially in the young sportsperson with increasing demands in endurance, muscle build and optimal recovery. Amino acids with high carb loading is used in debilitated patients and in palliative care. …

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Exercise, Hot Flushes, Sweating and Iodine Deficiency

Exercise, Hot Flushes, Sweating and Iodine Deficiency

Exercise, Hot Flushes, Sweating and Iodine Deficiency by Vanita Dahia Doesn’t it feel amazing to have a good sweat after a session of exercise? Fed up of sweating during menopause? Constantly sweating irrespective of the temperature? Generally, most people tend to sweat when they have exerted themselves during exercise, live in humid environments, or are …

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The Importance of Glutamate before you Eat that next Piece of Steak

The Importance of Glutamate before you Eat that next Piece of Steak

by Vanita Dahia   What does aggression, schizophrenia, motor neurone disease, seizures, ADD have in common? Glutamate from your humble steak! Gluatamate is the most powerful excitatory neurotransmitter that is released by nerve cells in the brain. Over-excitation of these neurons can cause cell damage and and cell death, or as some would say, “the …

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