
Boosting BDNF in Alzheimer’s Disease

Boosting BDNF in Alzheimer’s Disease

Brain derived neurotropic factor (BDNF) is naturally produced by brain cells to regulate normal brain and plasticity. Boosting BDNF in the brain can also delay the cognition degradation that occurs in Alzheimer’s Disease and Senile Dementia. It is estimated that in 2020 there are between 400,000 and 459,000 Australians with dementia, with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) …

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Is Stress making you Wired and Tired?

Vanita Dahia Assess your Type of Stress and Naturally Manage Stress Lifestyle, physical and psychological stresses put constant demands on the adrenal glands. If they get depleted, adrenal fatigue or adrenal insufficiency may be experienced. In fact, stress related problems are the root cause of approximately 90 percent of doctor visits. Most stressed people associate …

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Managing Anxiety and Depression with Amino Acids

by Vanita Dahia Amino Acids are essential for the production of happy and sad brain chemicals. Amino acids have the power of regulating mood, building muscle, detoxyfying the liver and maintaining the microbiome. Custom Compounded Amino Acids for Stress, Anxiety and Depression The benefits of taking amino-acids to improve your health can hardly be overstated. …

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Achy Breakie Heart

by Vanita Dahia I couldn’t help but feel a deep ache in my heart when reaching out to a friend who has just lost her loved one with a heart attack. The hierarchy of emotions felt at the time transitioned rather slowly from blame, resentment, the shouldve’s, couldve’s and anger to a glimmer of acceptance. …

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Assessment Options for Mental Health

by Vanita Dahia The complexity of mental health is frequently an intimidating dynamic process that keeps many patients and health practitioners on their toes. An appreciation of the underlying causative factors that occur with mental health disturbances can lend itself to targeting assessment options. Experiencing anxiety, stress or depression? Current therapies and medications not working …

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Amino Acids in Mental Health

Amino Acids in Mental Health

Amino Acids in Mental Health by Vanita Dahia Communication within the brain & between the brain & the rest of the nervous system occurs through chemical “languages” called neurotransmitters. The central nervous system is almost completely regulated by amino acids & peptides. Amino acids needed to manufacture neurotransmitters Amino Acid           …

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