
Interpretation of Test Results

What is Integrative Medicine?

Integrative Medicine encompasses the allopathic and natural medicine paradigms and has a valuable role in treating any functional, structural, mental or emotional imbalance with its broad range of remedies, as well as working beautifully as an adjunct to many other alternative and orthodox therapies. Conventional or Allopathic medicine is aimed at addressing the end stage …

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Healthy Solutions for Sleepless Nights

Healthy Solutions for Sleepless Nights

Restore sound sleep with green space, circadian hormone and neurotransmitter rhythms and targeted phytotherapy Tired of lying there restless or counting sheep? Can’t get off to sleep? Having trouble staying asleep? A third of your life is spent sleeping. Good quality sleep is essential to survival, as important as food and water. The dreaded sleep …

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What is Naturopathy and Integrative Medicine?

What is Naturopathy and Integrative Medicine

Naturopathy Naturopathy uses natural medicines to help you feel better as quickly as possible, to reach an improved state of wellbeing and help to prevent health problems from developing. Naturopathy is not a band aid approach to medicine. It identifies through detailed history taking, functional pathology and in-house assessments functional blocks in your metabolism which …

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Amino Acids in Mental Health

Amino Acids in Mental Health

Amino Acids in Mental Health by Vanita Dahia Communication within the brain & between the brain & the rest of the nervous system occurs through chemical “languages” called neurotransmitters. The central nervous system is almost completely regulated by amino acids & peptides. Amino acids needed to manufacture neurotransmitters Amino Acid           …

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Are your Genes Affecting Appetite and Weight?

by Vanita Dahia There are certain genes that have the potential to impact how we perceive and desire particular foods, and influence our eating behaviours, such as excessive snacking and difficulty feeling full. For example, variants in the ANKK1 and DRD2 genes, which result in a reduced density of dopamine receptors in your brain, have been …

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Small Intetestinal Bacterial Overgrowth

Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO)

Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) by Vanita Dahia Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) is a condition of increased number of bacteria present in the small intestine. SIBO is a subset of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). SIBO affects between 10% and 15% of the population globally. It is estimated that over 50% of patients diagnosed with …

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gut microbiome

GUT Microbiome

GUT Microbiome by Vanita Dahia The gut microbiome is a complex community of microbial organisms living in the small and large intestine. This microbial community is made up of a hundred trillion microorganisms containing more than 1000 different species. The microbiome is made up of bacteria predominantly, together with yeasts, viruses and parasites all collectively …

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Exercise, Hot Flushes, Sweating and Iodine Deficiency

Exercise, Hot Flushes, Sweating and Iodine Deficiency

Exercise, Hot Flushes, Sweating and Iodine Deficiency by Vanita Dahia Doesn’t it feel amazing to have a good sweat after a session of exercise? Fed up of sweating during menopause? Constantly sweating irrespective of the temperature? Generally, most people tend to sweat when they have exerted themselves during exercise, live in humid environments, or are …

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The Importance of Glutamate before you Eat that next Piece of Steak

The Importance of Glutamate before you Eat that next Piece of Steak

by Vanita Dahia   What does aggression, schizophrenia, motor neurone disease, seizures, ADD have in common? Glutamate from your humble steak! Gluatamate is the most powerful excitatory neurotransmitter that is released by nerve cells in the brain. Over-excitation of these neurons can cause cell damage and and cell death, or as some would say, “the …

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The Impact of Mould on Allergies and Health

The Impact of Mould on Allergies and Health

The Impact of Mould on Allergies and Health by Vanita Dahia Allergic reactions of progressively increasing not only to food but also to environmental pollutants, volatile solvents, dust mites, plant pollens and mould. An allergy is a hyperactive response of the immune system which will initiate a histamine mediated inflammatory response. Typically, symptoms may occur …

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