Vanita Dahia

Vanita Dahia - Integrative Medicine Expert, Pharmacist, Naturopath and Author of Alchemy of the Mind and Alchemy of Amino Acids

Nerve Agents Affecting Your Health

Nerve Agents Affecting your Health?

Nerve Agents Affecting Your Health? by Vanita Dahia   We are all on alert following recent deaths after exposure of nerve agents. The airtime attests to the lesser of publicity, awareness and subsequent political changes. Let’s get the scary part of nerve agents out of the way… Nerve agents, previously known as nerve gases were …

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Pharmacists’ Support Services Charity Dinner for Chinese New Year

Pharmacists’ Support Services Charity Dinner for Chinese New Year Pharmacists’ Support Services (PSS) offer a listening ear for pharmacists in times of stress,  as close as your phone. The Pharmacists’ Support Service is a free service run by pharmacists for pharmacists. It is an independent incorporated association supported by the profession which provides support to …

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Boost Immune Resilience during Infections

Indigestion vs Hypochlorhydria

by Vanita Dahia Seeing, smelling, tasting or thinking about food signals the appetite regulatory hormones in the brain to stimulate hunger, salivate, and initiate the release of digestive enzymes. The anticipation of eating begins the process of digestion with biliary, enzyme and acid secretions. Digestion plays a key role in preparation of food starting by …

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Harnessing the Vagus Nerve and Vagal Stimulation

Harnessing the Vagus Nerve and Vagal Stimulation

Harnessing the Vagus Nerve and Vagal Stimulation by Vanita Dahia   Heard of the gut-brain connection? Stomach in a knot when depressed? Changes in bowel habits when anxious or stressed? Pains in the gut when worried? The connection between the gut and the brain is gaining much repute within the published research. The value of …

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Pain Pill Pushers

by Vanita Dahia   Pain is an inevitable outcome of many chronic inflammatory diseases, completely destroying peoples’ quality of life. More than a fifth of codeine users are now stock piling their stash of codeine based pain medication in light of the new regulations. On February 1st 2018, over the counter pain medication from pharmacies will …

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Vanita Dahia and Dr Yasuhito Mikawa

Alchemy of the Mind Japanese Version Released

Alchemy of the Mind Japanese Version Released 錬金術士の日本語版リリース On my recent visit to Tokyo to speak at the First Health Japan Conference in October 2017, the Japanese version of Alchemy of the Mind was released! It was indeed a pleasure to meet with Dr Masashi Uwabu MD PhD, Dr Atsuo Yanagisawa MD PhD,  Dr Yasuhito Mikawa …

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insomnia and sleep disturbances

Insomnia and Sleep Disturbances

Insomnia and Sleep Disturbances by Vanita Dahia Natural Treatment Approaches About a third of the population complain of sleep disturbances either in the form of delayed onset of sleep or maintenance of sleep. Sleep is necessary for restoration and recovery enabling physiological process is to repair the body. Sleep is also necessary for energy conservation, …

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Cortisol Awakening Response (CAR) for Stress

by Vanita Dahia Stress is a common phenomenon in today society which describes a state of disharmony or a threatened state of homeostasis. Stress hormone cortisol and DHEA on the most pertinent hormonal markers used to identify the degree of adrenal stress, adrenal insufficiency, or adrenal fatigue. Thomas Guilliams of Point Institute has discovered a …

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Healthy Body with Vanita Dahia

Healthy Body Book – The Alchemy of Optimal Health Chapter by Vanita Dahia – Free Download

Healthy Body Book – The Alchemy of Optimal Health Chapter by Vanita Dahia – Free Download I recently mentioned that I have written a chapter called ‘ The Alchemy of Optimal Health’ in the book ‘Healthy Body’ with a foreward by Carol Cooke AM. The good news is that you can now download this chapter completely …

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Holistic Retreats - evidence of benefit

Holistic Retreats – do they create measurable physiological and psychological changes?

Holistic Retreats – do they create measurable physiological and psychological changes? by Vanita Dahia I was inspired by the tutelage and support of John Vasta and Heather Musgrove of  Vasta Retreats, a retreat of vision, awareness, and strength through acceptance Heather Musgrove and Vanita Dahia have worked towards measuring the stress hormone, Cortisol and a …

Holistic Retreats – do they create measurable physiological and psychological changes? Read More »